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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
14 Pencil Control Mazes

14 Pencil Control Mazes

14 designs of mazes of different complexity. Great for improving pencil control and concentration. You could also enlarge and use with other media than pencils, such as paint.
My Senses Activity Cards + Ideas SEN KS1

My Senses Activity Cards + Ideas SEN KS1

A set of resources with a Senses theme suitable for SEND pupils and KS1. Boardmaker symbols are included. Page 1 shows sample resources included. Pages 2/3 - A Sensory Table outline to use with the small cut out colour card collection shown on page 3. Pages 4 -7 are sets of 6 cards related to each of the senses: sound, smell, touch, taste, sight and a set of shape cards included. Cut and laminate the cards and children can use them to indicate what they see, hear, smell, taste or touch. The cards can be cut up and used together with a collection of the relevant objects that are easily accessible. You could use a feely bag, a blindfold or a box with armholes cut out for children to reach inside. The next page is a set of questions to cut out and use. Finally there is a poster to talk about related to the senses. Children could make their own posters. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Spring Story Planning Sheets for KS1

Spring Story Planning Sheets for KS1

These worksheets will inspire your children to write creatively about Spring. Each sheet has the same format but the 6 colour pictures are different on each page. The writing sections include: Who are the characters? The weather and setting Beginning, Middle and End Very useful for SEND children and those who may benefit from the support of a writing frame.
15 Handwriting Patterns to Trace EYFS

15 Handwriting Patterns to Trace EYFS

15 worksheets for children to use to practice their handwriting and fine motor control. Each sheet has a different theme. Laminate and use with dry markers in your writing corner too.
My New Year Goals with Symbols

My New Year Goals with Symbols

This accessible resource is designed to help SEND and KS1 children reflect on the new year and set simple, achievable goals. The templates are a useful whole school resource. Using symbols and visuals, children can choose, draw, or write their goals, such as “Be a good friend” or “Learn something new.” The resource supports choice-making, goal-setting, and personal expression. Perfect for fostering self-awareness, motivation, and fun in the classroom or at home! There are 3 differentiated worksheets in colour and in black and white. Children are invited to use the symbols to help them choose 2 or 3 goals for the New Year and draw/write these. Children use the lined writing frame to write their goals. Children have 3 boxes in which they can draw or write their goals. Worksheet is a writing or drawing frame. Boardmaker licenced.
ME and my Emotions Lesson Plan KS1/SEND

ME and my Emotions Lesson Plan KS1/SEND

A set of resources linked to Feelings, Ourselves and Me. Useful to support children in recognising different feelings and emotions, improving their vocabulary and emotional intelligence. Suitable for KS1 and SEND pupils. Boardmaker symbol licenced. The lesson pack includes: A lesson plan including objectives, activities, resources, assessment and extension ideas. Worksheets 1 to 4 where children have the opportunity to draw emotions, label them and complete sentences to express their emotions.
Speaking and Listening Quiz EYFS / SEN

Speaking and Listening Quiz EYFS / SEN

What am I thinking of? A fun, colourful quiz to engage your children in speaking, listening and thinking. Instructions are included with this resource. Children are asked questions without giving away the name of the object in the picture and they guess / or locate the answer on the grid. There are 3 sets of pictures which could be used as 3 different activities or as one depending on your children and their concentration levels. As children get used to the idea of the quiz, you can begin to engage them in asking the questions. A great treat too, for end of term or the beginning of a new term.
Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

A black and white and colour version of this weather board is included. The boards are a useful visual aid to support children / pupils with their speaking and listening and communication as well as writing about the weather. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols
Months of the Year Symbol Sorting

Months of the Year Symbol Sorting

*Licenced to use, produce and sell resources using Boardmaker symbols. This resource includes colour flashcards of the months of the year with 8 to an A4 page. Cut and laminate these for sorting activities and to add to displays. There is a colour and black and white version of the worksheet where the 12 months are included. These small cards can be cut out and sequenced. The black and white ones can be coloured in. Add to class displays or individual symbol boards. The final page shows a template sheet where children can add their own pictures to the months of the year.
Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

6 sheets where children practice their fine motor skills by tracing over the patterns. Children pair the objects e.g. take the cat to the milk or the rain cloud to the umbrella. There are 3 designs of worksheet with 2 versions - straight lines and wavy lines.
Me and My Feelings SEND and KS1

Me and My Feelings SEND and KS1

*Licenced to use, produce and sell resources using Boardmaker symbols. A resource designed with SEND pupils in mind that works well too, for KS1 children. Links to PSHE, Me, Ourselves, Emotions, Anti - Bullying week, Behaviour Management, Communication, as well as speaking and listening, reading and writing. Sheet 1 shows 24 colour pictures with emotion words written above. Sheet 2 shows 24 black and white pictures with words around it. Pupils can identify the facial expressions and find the correct matching words. There is more than one option for this e.g. glad and happy might apply equally well to the same picture. Sheets 3 -8, each show 4 black and white pictures and children can write a word, phrase or sentence to describe the feelings or emotions.
Winter Scavenger Hunt EYFS KS1 SEND

Winter Scavenger Hunt EYFS KS1 SEND

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A fun scavenger hunt for young children and / or SEND pupils using symbols. There is a black and white and colour version of the scavenger recording sheet. Children can tick off the things they find. There are 10 things to find. There is a page of simple riddles that go with each picture and provide clues. You can choose to use these or not depending on your children and their abilities. Use real objects if available for your scavenger hunt, or soft toys e.g squirrel and snowman. Alternatively, or as well as, cut out the large flashcards, laminate and tie/tape these up around the outside area for children to find. Finish with the hot chocolate and then you may want to reward your class with the real thing as a treat for finding everything on the scavenger list.
Songs and Rhymes Choosing Boards EYFS SEND

Songs and Rhymes Choosing Boards EYFS SEND

These 3 choosing boards provide a visual and interactive way for children to express their preferences and actively participate in selecting songs and rhymes for music time. Each sheet/board shows 12 well known songs and rhymes. The resource can enhance children’s communication skills, promote independence, and create a sense of ownership over the learning experience. Examples of pictures range from “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to “Humpty Dumpty,” “Five Little Ducks,” “Five Little Speckled Frogs,” and “Hickory Dickory Dock.” The colourful pictures make it simple for children to make their selections and participate in rhymes and songs during music time. The resource has a mix of symbols and pictures(Boardmaker Licenced).
The Shopping Basket Flashcards /Visuals

The Shopping Basket Flashcards /Visuals

A set of 5 pages of colour flashcards related to the lovely story by John Burningham ‘The Shopping Basket’. Most images are symbols with some pictures. Flashcards include the animals in the story, the food on the shopping list, characters and ordinal numbers. These cards can be used in a range of ways such as matching up the animals with the foods, sequencing the story, ordering the numbers - the cards can also enhance any display work. Other activities could include a Scavenger hunt around school, food sorting and talking, story mapping, role play and creative art work such as a collage shopping basket. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
6 Fine Motor Skills Worksheets

6 Fine Motor Skills Worksheets

6 worksheets for children to practice their fine motor skills. Follow the lines to join pictures that are the same or to match objects that are associated such as a school bag and some books or dogs and their bones. Laminate and add to your writing corner for a reusable resource and for use with dough or plasticine.
Cutting Skills with Circles  Fine Motor

Cutting Skills with Circles Fine Motor

8 worksheets each showing 6 colour circles for children to draw round and cut out. An activity designed to encourage fine motor development and scissor skills. The circles are all colour and contain pictures / patterns or round objects. Extend this activity by printing out the sheets twice, cutting out the shapes and using them in your 2D shape work e.g. for matching activities or games.
Ourselves Speaking and Listening Game

Ourselves Speaking and Listening Game

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A fun way to encourage children to speak, listen, communicate and work in teams. This is a speaking and listening game based on Ourselves / Me and linked to Jobs/Occupation/Community. The aim of the game is for children to describe a character in detail for the other team to locate the character on their board and give a grid reference. Add timers for more excitement and challenge. The full instructions are included. There are 3 sets of card boards. A and B show the same 20 colour pictures. These are jumbled up on Board B. Similarly, C and D are same, as are E and F boards.
Fine Motor Skills Shape Sheets

Fine Motor Skills Shape Sheets

A set of shapes for children to improve their cutting skills. There are 11 large shapes and 2 pages showing small shapes which can be used for assessment.
Timetable Picture Cards

Timetable Picture Cards

An early activity for the new school year to familiarise children with their new timetables. A set of picture cards for children to make their own timetables for their new school year / class. Pictures can be coloured in. A blank weekly template is an idea added where children can draw / write their timetable or cut and paste the words/pictures onto. Supports pupils with learning difficulties to structure their day and understand / follow a routine.